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I was born in Baku / Azerbajdzan and my instruction music i beginning like girl with age 7 years. My first lady piano-teacher was the most known pianist Revekka Levina. The follow instruction musicale like concert-pianist i finished under direction from Prof. Nina Emeljanova, Dmitrij Baschkirow, Jakov Sak into Conservatorium P.J. Tschaikowsky from Moskau.


Since 1981 i have property with diplom in 3 qualify:


1.      concert pianist

2.      correpetition

3.      teacher







Philarmonie state, pianiste in engagement

Conservatorium state from U. Gadzibekov

Teacher accademy – compartment piano


1991 – 1999

Brest, Belarus

Accademy music, teacher compartment piano


Since year 2000 i living in Switzerland.

I work like freelancer – artist, i play solo-concerts, i accompagne internat. Singers, i work like teacher, i have status activ member from the organisation

SMPV Switzerland, i organize master-lections, compartment piano.


In this time i have good expiriences in the entertainment (Pop / Jazz) and i have now on wide repertoire and i play this music with joie and joke.



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